Background photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash

The Lost City: Review and Retrospective


What is this project?

This video presents an overview of The Lost City D&D module, covering both its original publication and an updated version published by Goodman Games. This is a higher-production video. It features special segments narrated by other well-known YouTubers, carefully arranged mini-figure tableaus, and animated overlays.

I was so excited to take part in such an ambitious project. It took nearly a month for Dan, my internship supervisor, to compose the shots, and record all the figurines on turn tables. Likewise, it took time for me to edit and add animations to these recordings. Much of my work was in color correction and the Canva video suite, adding motion to still shots with their library of animations.

What work am I proudest of in this project?

Of all the frames in this video, I love this particular image. It perfectly centers and frames its subject and the real-life lighting of the photograph syncs nicely with the torch’s special effects. As for the video editing, many of the transitions between the game’s illustrations and the miniature dioramas are very clean and clever. I also enjoyed creating distinct visual identities for the different teams and factions featured in The Lost City modules. From the Warrior Maidens’ sparkles to the Mages’ shadowy cobwebs each group had a distinct look and style.

Background photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash

What did I learn from this project?

Observing Dan’s shot-composition process was a masterclass in figurine filming. The process required inventive use of the limited resources, keen attention to detail, and a broad knowledge of cinematography on his part.

I also learned the value of restraint in effects animations. Watching back the footage, many of the most effective shots are those that have limited special effects and color-grading added in. Allowing the cinematography to speak for itself is a skill that I’m still working on.


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